When I met Sydney Rogers almost four years ago, I was impressed by her drive. It was clear that she had a mission to learn to play golf and she was going to do it no matter what, even if it was pouring during her lesson. Over the years, I have had the pleasure of watching Sydney develop into a young woman of integrity staying firm in her beliefs while also learning to laugh at herself and relax.
When you first started golf lessons with Coach Glen, you were a dancer, what changed?
I started lessons with Coach Glen the summer before my freshman year with the intent of making the golf team and I did. Actually, I played golf for Seminole Ridge for all four years of high school. I was still dancing that year but I wasn't enjoying it anymore. I was burnt out and it was not financially feasible for me to progress in dance. Golf is different. In dance you memorize steps but with golf you need to feel your swing, knowing is not enough, making it more personal. What’s it like working with Coach Glen? I liked Coach Glen from the start. He provided all of the information for me to have a solid foundation. I also liked that he drives you to be golden, he wants you to develop discipline in your practice, in your mindset and he gives you all the facts you need to do it. He is a good match for me because he is tough when I need it. When I get frustrated, he can put me in the right headspace to get back on track and succeed.
What’s the hardest part about golf for you?
Definitely, the mental side. I have not perfected that. I have a hard time getting out of my head. I usually go into a round with high expectations and then when I don’t meet them, I let the negatives take over my headspace as I play. I am only now starting to make some progress but it is a struggle. I have discovered that I play better during high school matches than I do in individual tournaments. My best round happened this year in a match at Winston Trails where I shot 44 over 9 holes. I seem to be more relaxed in those situations and freak out when the round is only about me but I am not giving up. I plan to continue taking lessons because I want to play this game for years to come. I am open to walking-on in college or playing intramurally. What advice do you have for junior golfers? In general, I say "Don't be afraid to try. Take opportunities that are offered because they could completely change your life." For golf, "Practice. Put the work in or you won’t see the results. Coach Glen can only offer you the information but you have to use it. I like the drills a lot, especially practicing without a ball. Take the time each day to work on feeling the swing and it will pay off. It will make the difference in your technical game."
Speaking about technical aspects, why is biotech of interest to you?
I have been helping to raise funds for the Children’s Miracle Network for several years; last year alone the Seminole Ridge Dance Marathon raised over $63,000. Through that effort, I have learned that life is not about what you gain, something small we do for others can have a lifelong impact. I have always enjoyed science. In one of my labs, I was able to study colon cancer by analyzing DNA samheples. I learned my way around the lab and started to become fascinated by the practical applications of what I was learning. I could be on a team that cures cancer or develops a treatment that makes it no different than the common cold. So many possibilities and being a part of it would definitely change the quality of life for the “Miracle Kids” and so many others. If I can start putting the puzzle pieces together at Clemson that would be a dream come true. Are there other puzzle pieces that make up who you are? I am a part of the National Honor Society which is a great academic accomplishment but I really enjoy the community service aspect of being a member. I volunteer for Beaver Golf every chance I get because it is so cool to witness the kids progress in their game and take it to the next level. It is also a lot of fun to squirt them and make them laugh. Best Buddies is another group that I enjoy. I get paired up with other students at the school who may have intellectual and developmental disabilities. I learn so much from them as we develop our friendship. Last, but certainly not least is First Priority which allows me to connect students to Christ and a local church by hosting fun events like “Friendsgiving.” This group is especially important to me because I was invited to attend a youth group in my freshman year and my life changed completely. I am so grateful and I want others to experience the same joy that I have. I would like to introduce you to Troy Tharitimanont. I started coaching Troy back when I was affiliated with the Junior Golf Foundation of America, Inc. which previously ran the junior programming at Okeeheelee Golf Course. Troy has volunteered in my junior golf classes in the past and is a Senior at Suncoast Community High School. His golf journey is different than most because he has not nor does he have any plans to play competitively. How did you get started in golf? My parents pushed me to try golf. When I first went out on the golf course with my Dad, I realized I could not hit the ball straight and I was hitting it way past the target. I became motivated to improve my game and was open to lessons. My challenge is that I’m an aggressive golfer, I just try to hit the ball, but I have learned to hit the ball farther by working on control. It's a personal battle and a constant journey of improvement. You are graduating high school this year but never played competitive golf, why? Golf is for me. It is something I do for personal fulfillment and improvement. I have enough comparative opportunities in school for academics, dance, piano and other activities. When I am taking lessons with Coach Glen, practicing or playing I am just thinking about how I can improve from the last time. It’s a mindset that I apply in my life overall. How did you meet Coach Glen? I met Coach Glen in a golf summer camp. He was different from the other coaches. His personality really connected with me. Initially, he seems strict and serious but if you spend more time with him you will discover that he is very caring and he really wants you to grow. Coach Glen is also very sarcastic. He jokes a lot which makes the lesson time more fun. I appreciate that. That’s why I initiated the search for Coach Glen when Okeeheelee changed their program. I missed the progress I was making. I made a connection with him and I loved his teaching style. It sounds like you are very focused on improvement, when did that start? At a young age, I was not thinking about self-fulfillment. My parents gave me opportunities to try things that I thought would be fun. Fun turned into a desire to get better, so I put in the effort and the reward was feeling fulfilled. By the time I was 10, I was performing in ballet, tap and jazz. Performing developed into a love of theater then I started singing and acting. I have a lot of memories. Two of my favorite shows were “The Addams Family” and “Beauty and the Beast" where I played Lumiere and sang “Be our Guest.” It seems like you have two personalities, one that pursues theater and one that pursues golf. Is that accurate?
Not at all. Both require the same kind of discipline to improve. Growth in all of my activities is not linear. I have had to persevere through many ups and downs. Some of those downs leave scars and it takes time to push through but when I do, I grow. Most of my downs have to do with the pressure that I place on myself to be somewhat perfect and sometimes I take on too much responsibility. For instance, I am on the Yearbook Committee and I have been very active in school government, serving as the School Vice President. Balance is very difficult so my sleep has suffered at times because time management is a struggle for me. Fortunately, I have kept my academics a priority and currently have a 4.7 Honors Point Average. Through it all, I have learned to be more self aware of how I feel so I can adjust my priorities and even take breaks from some activities. Going to the gym also helps me take care of my physical health and strength. What’s next after high school? College. I have always enjoyed math and science. Attending an Ivy League school has been a goal since my childhood because of the prestige. I also believe they offer a supportive environment. Over the last two summers, I have experienced it first hand by participating in summer programs at Brown and Harvard. When I was younger I dreamed of making robots to help my family but now I want to leave an impact on the world. I believe there is room to use artificial intelligence to help kids learn at a quicker pace. As a tutor at Mathnasium, I see more and more kids are struggling in math, it is a real problem and I would like to help provide the solution. I will keep practicing golf too. What encouragement do you have for younger golfers? Never be too sure about your plan. Be willing to adapt and make another plan as needed. Harvard is my dream but if I don’t get accepted I know I will grow in whatever school environment I attend like Rice, UCLA or USC. Mr. Matt Swanson stopped by to visit with some of our junior golfers this morning for another session of golf course design. He has been involved in the design of many golf courses around the world including Sentosa Golf Club in Singapore which was the site for the HSBC Women's World Championship in March 2023 and LIV Golf in April 2023. We are always thankful for his willingness to share his knowledge with our young golfers. Today's session was a hands-on workshop. First the golfers shared their personal designs of a golf hole with Mr. Swanson. He provided some general feedback about the elements of a good golf hole which were included in their designs and then he walked them through a series of questions that need to be considered when laying out an entire golf course. One very important question: Where does the sun rise and set? After studying pictures of actual golf holes, the golfers were encouraged to apply the knowledge that they just learned by sketching out a portion of a golf course on design paper.
"The class was awesome. I loved that he gave us a sheet to create our own course and I loved how he drew on the tracing paper." -Juliana Morrison. "I was intrigued by how they factor in where the sun rises and sets in order to design a course." -Michelle Morrison. "He designed Commons and that's where I learn and practice. I like that." -Abriella Morrison “The biggest thing I hope they learn this week is the confidence. They should instill confidence in everything that they do,” Daryl Worley, Baltimore Ravens.
The goal of this year's First Tee Game Changers Academy was to create thought-provoking discussions & inspiring workshops. Sydney Rogers had the opportunity to participate in the event at Villanova University last week. She absolutely enjoyed the opportunity to meet other First Tee participants from all over the country while participating in team building activities in the great outdoors like kayaking and a ropes course. Her favorite workshop was led by some members of the Amazon leadership team because they shared some of the strategies that made them a game changer in business.
The event also featured panelists from various backgrounds sharing their perspective on diversity. Perspectives that Sydney did not always embrace as complete truth but she was able to confidently articulate her point of view with others. It is not easy to take an opposing viewpoint on how to be a game changer but the experience motivated her to remain firm in her convictions.
One of the reasons I teach golf is because I fully believe that golf is a great way to build memories with family and friends. Pictures like the one above are awesome to see. Not only are parents supporting their golfers but other families are supporting the other golfers. Family, friends and fun! That's what it is about. It is humbling to see the number of Beaver Golf students that participate in Drive, Chip & Putt increase each year. While I know there were some bumps in the road today for some of the golfers, I am proud of each of them. Competition is tough even when it is free. Sometimes the nerves take over and sometimes they drive you to success. No matter the outcome, they key is to have fun and learn something for next year. Looking forward to hearing the results from other Beaver Golf students as they participate in other local qualifiers later this summer. I think I was more nervous than them. The boys liked it a lot and had a lot of fun. Definitely more practice and try again next year. -Nathaly Robles Drive Chip & Putt at The Park- June 14, 2023 Participants Amelia Mayer Blake Mayer Sofia Mayer Amelia Meadows - 1st Time Participant Abriella Morrisson Judah Lang - 1st Time Participant Mateo Muñiz Jaclyn Nolen - 1st Time Participant Skyler Nolen - 1st Time Participant Benjamin Robles - 1st Time Participant Jeremy Robles - 1st Time Participant Luke Sterijevksi Marina Sterijevski Vivian Sterijevski Five Beaver Golf junior students are moving on to the sub-Regionals which will be hosted at Ballenisles Country Club on August 19, 2023. Girls 7-9 Division Jaclyn Nolen 1st Overall- 3rd Drive, 2nd Chip, 2nd Putt Abriella Morrisson 2nd Overall, 2nd Drive, 3rd Chip, 1st Putt Boys 7-9 Division Blake Mayer 3rd Drive, 1st Putt Girls 10-11 Division Amelia Meadows 3rd Overall- 3rd Drive, 1st Putt Skyler Nolen 2nd Alternate Overall, 3rd Chip Girls 12-13 Division Vivian Sterijevski 3rd Overall- 3rd Chip, 3rd Putt Sofia Mayer 1st Alternate Overall-3rd Drive Boys 12-13 Division Mateo Muñiz 2nd Overall- 2nd Drive, 2nd Chip Drive Chip & Putt at Osprey Point - June 24, 2023 Participants Theo Consonni - 1st Time Participant Daniel Tadeo It was a great experience! His score was not good, but he had fun and got very thankful to be able to participate and watch so many young good golfers. I think it awoke him in so many positive ways, since he told us afterwards in the car that he can’t wait for the next year to see his improvements. -Andrea Consonni Drive Chip & Putt at Mirasol - July 9, 2023 Participants Bryce Huffman - 1st Time Participant Cooper Huffman - 1st Time Participant Gideon Ladicani Tristan Ladicani - 1st Time Participant Zoe Ladicani Girls 12-13 Division Zoe Ladicani 1st Alternate Overall - 3rd Drive They all enjoyed the experience, but did much better during warm up than competing. Nerves got to them, and I think they were a bit intimidated watching how good the other players in their groups were. All are looking forward to improving for next year. -Maggie C. Drive Chip & Putt at Broken Sound - July 27, 2023 Participants Shay Atkins - 1st Time Participant Xander Trivlis Zoey Trivlis - 1st Time Participant Girls 7-9 Division Zoey Trivlis 3rd Drive, 3rd Chip, 3rd Putt Boys 7-9 Division Xander Trivlis 1st Chip Boys 14-15 Division Shay Atkins 2nd Alternate Overall Shay's participation was a complete surprise. Apparently, it was a last minute decision that was made after a lot of encouragement from fellow homeschool student golfer DeMarco who unfortunately has aged out of the competition. This was Shay's only chance to try since he will age out as well. He finished in 5th place and second alternate overall which is awesome. SubREgionals at BallENISLES 8/19/23The road to Augusta came to an at the Sub-regionals for the golfers but they had a great time competing in what turned out to be an all girls show for Beaver Golf. Mateo elected not to participate for personal reasons related to his faith. I commend him for being a person of integrity with his decision. Abriella Morrison earned a 2nd place medal for chipping in the girls 7-9 division and she tied for 5th overall with 49 points. While Vivian Sterijevski did not improve her upon her points in this round, she feels like she is definitely a better golfer after all of the practice, extra lessons and the overall experience. That's what it is all about!! Who's ready for 2024? |
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