Annika Collado was selected to attend a First Tee Leadership Summit in Atlanta hosted by the PGA Superstore in June. Here's what she had to say about the entire experience:
A pre-requiste for applying to the Leadership Summit is participation in the Leadership Series at the PGA Superstore in Palm Beach Gardens. How was that experience? The leadership series at the PGA Superstore gave me the opportunity to not only meet some great people within my local First Tee chapter but also to see how important leadership is to create a successful and positive environment in a work place. The 6-week class was very beneficial and I encourage others to do it if given the chance.
Once selected to participate in the Leadership Summit what expectations did you have for the event? Were those expectations met?
I wasn't sure at all what would be part of the Leadership Summit. I just knew I'd be able to understand how to become a better leader. The trip, however, blew my expectations away! I met some great people from all around the country that were just like me. We have continued to stay in contact and we are building strong friendships even after the event. It also was an incredible opportunity to meet with successful leaders that apply their core values to shape their companies which allows them to be successful. More importantly, they are making the world a better place through the work that they do. From CEOs to NFL managers, we heard about how important good leadership is especially when turning failure into success. I will never forget the opportunity. It was a once in a lifetime experience and I am extremely grateful for it.
While at the Summit, you were able to hear from leaders representing different fields. What speakers impacted you the most?
The first most impactful speaker would be Mr. Ralph Stokes. He is a board member for the PGA Superstore and he is the person who advocated for this experience with First Tee. He had a massive impact on me because he encouraged all of us to make the most of the experience we were given and to have fun. Mr. Stokes also attended all of the events with us so we could get to know him more. True to his encouragement he always had fun and his jokes made us laugh a lot. Another impactful speaker was Mrs. Maya Moore, a professional basketball player who has won countless national championships. It wasn't specifically her professional sports career that made her so impactful to me but why she stop playing at the height of her career. Mrs. Moore learned that someone from her hometown had been wrongfully imprisoned and she decided to invest her time and money to get him freed. This man eventually became her husband and they now have a son together. One of her challenges was going from being the best in her career to taking on a task where she essentially knew nothing. She had to overcome not being the best by trusting people who were the best in their field, the legal arena, in order to be successful.
Any final thoughts?
The Leadership Summit was an incredible once in a lifetime opportunity. When I wasn't learning from some great leaders, I had a blast! We did so much: ziplining, office mini-golf, soccer, Civil Rights Museum and other stuff I can't remember right now. Sharing this experience with the other participants that I now call friends made it even better. Overall, it was an amazing time and I can't recommend it enough. Comments are closed.
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