I shared some information about the importance of fitness in golf and that has led to questions about specific exercises or workout routines. As a result I am providing a few ideas that you can include in your fitness routine for golf:
Push Ups + Pull Ups (or bodyweight rows) – The push/pull aspect is huge in the golf swing. Conditioning both chest and back is essential not only for balance of opposing muscle groups but because you need both push and pull in the swing. Balance + Stability – Work on an uneven surface can help improve balance. Example: Squats with one foot slightly higher or on a boss ball. Now, if you’re not sure what a squat is or you don’t know if you have good form, please go get evaluated by a professional. Separation – Movements that require your upper body to move separately from your lower body may help improve separation in the golf swing. Example: Wood Chops
Speed + Power – Sprints + Plyometrics like jump squats and burpees. Golf is a game of power (and control) so where will that power come from if you don’t include it in your workouts?
Flexibility – You need flexibility for power and range of motion. Static stretching is done only after you’re warm. Dynamic flexibility can be done as a warm up. Another great way to warm up and promote flexibility is foam rolling. It’s important to note that each body is different and has different physical needs including any issues with injury or imbalance. If you have specific needs or postural issues, please consult with a personal trainer. It’s always recommended to check with your physician before beginning any new physical fitness program. Comments are closed.
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